
Healthcare Providers

Providing record production solutions one request at a time.

Medical record production is a critical, yet time consuming and resource-intensive task of healthcare entities. Save time, labor hours, and money by outsourcing medical record production to Allegro Record Solutions. Using proprietary project management software, our team of skilled production specialists are trained in a multitude of EMR platforms and are equipped to service your record processing needs remotely. We are always ready to integrate new EMR platforms into our production process. With rapid turnaround, you’ll experience higher customer satisfaction at a lower cost.

Recognizing many requests are for litigation purposes, our services include Bates Stamping, OCR Text Recognition, and remote repository storage.

Join the dozens of healthcare entities that have eliminated in-house processing of medical record requests and call us today.

Integrated Healthcare Platforms Include:

8822 Niles Center Road, Skokie, IL 60077 | 847-499-7600

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