
Legal Providers

In 2016, a team of litigators were frustrated by traditional market solutions for record retrieval.

They needed something faster, more cost-efficient, and responsive to their needs. Allegro Record Solutions was born when they couldn’t find a solution in the market. Allegro’s model is simple: No frills. No gimmicks. No upcharges for fancy software solutions that remain virtually unused. And most importantly, no upcharging.

These same frustrations existed with services allegedly providing expert nursing reviews of medical charts. So, the Allegro team built an arsenal of competent, actively employed nurses who practice by day and review records by night. They work in hospitals, nursing homes, and for hospice providers. They know what the standard of care is because they spend their days practicing it.

For authorization, subpoena, and other medical record retrieval services, or to inquire about our nursing expert medical record review platform, contact us today.

Integrated Healthcare Platforms Include:

8822 Niles Center Road, Skokie, IL 60077 | 847-499-7600

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